I’m on Twitter…

…about 5 or 6 years behind the trend, but that’s about right for me. I plan to tweet and share links about books, writing, ephemera, and non-consumerism. So follow me: @bartonangela1

Experiential Gifts

The following is a reprint of a previously published post, about my favorite type of non-consumer gift, experiential gifts. This is the first segment of a series I wrote years ago about non-consumer holiday gift giving. “Experiential” gifts are my absolute favorite, both to give and to receive. I’ve been a proponent of gifts of […]

Spring hiatus

matilija poppy 003

Our gorgeous matilija poppy is in bloom again, the temperatures have warmed up, and I’m itching to get outside and get moving. I’ve been working so much the past five months that I’ve barely had time to keep up with the blog, and a lot of other projects have fallen by the wayside. So… The […]

Recycled Garden Projects

recycled trampoline

My friend Betsy Talbot of Married With Luggage turned me on to this awesome Facebook page called Recycled, UpCycled, Freecycled Garden Projects, and I can’t get enough of it! How cool is this recycled trampoline tepee/hammock/meditation area? I love it! It solves so many problems and meets so many goals at once: creating a Zen garden space, staying out […]

I did a half-marathon! (part 2)

half marathon 3

After months of training and complaining, the race day itself was truly magnificent. This post is going to be rather long, because I think the best way to share the experience with you is to reprint the letter I wrote immediately afterward to my supporters. I love this “action shot” because it manages to make […]

Goals vs. Accomplishments

One of the things I like to do around New Year’s Day is reflect on the previous year and look forward to the next, in terms of what I want to do and the things I want to concentrate on. I generally write in my journal for a few days and then come up with a very […]