Does the Internet make us happier?

A new study of mental health from Britain suggests that rather than making us more stressed and anxious as has previously been thought, spending time online makes us happier. Researchers found a link between Internet access and well-being. And some people benefit more than others from being connected to the information superhighway, including women. The […]

Shop Until We Drop

A new poll has found that the average woman spends EIGHT YEARS of her life shopping. I’ll give you a minute to digest that… Have you recovered yet? This news makes me happier than ever that I found out about The Compact. On my deathbed, I don’t think I’ll wish I had shopped MORE. Much […]

Green is Good

I’m so happy to be part of a “green roundup” at Your Daily Thread called “Five L.A. Women Bloggers Up to Green Good.” I’m included with an inspiring group: …A woman who rides the bus every day (believe me, that’s a BIG deal in Los Angeles) …A creative genius who sews A New Dress a […]

Close Encounters with the Animal Kingdom

If you haven’t heard this story about a woman who set off on a 40-mile paddle from Catalina island to Dana Point to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and was joined by a minke whale, I encourage you to read it now. The whale swam with her for almost two hours of […]

Boot Camp (from your desk)

When a friend asked me if I was interested in a Going Green Boot Camp in honor of Earth Day’s 40th anniversary on April 22nd, my first reaction was, “No way! I’m overscheduled and overwhelmed. I don’t have time for ONE MORE PROJECT.” But after I took a deep breath and my heart rate returned […]