I’m in Yahoo finance!

Angela-Jane Austin's

Check out this nice write up about my year of buying nothing new, by Gail Johnson of Yahoo! Canada Finance. She actually listened to what I said in the interview, and didn’t make me sound like a total weirdo. I was looking for a new, “fun” photo to accompany the article, and decided on this one. My […]

Recycled Garden Projects

recycled trampoline

My friend Betsy Talbot of Married With Luggage turned me on to this awesome Facebook page called Recycled, UpCycled, Freecycled Garden Projects, and I can’t get enough of it! How cool is this recycled trampoline tepee/hammock/meditation area? I love it! It solves so many problems and meets so many goals at once: creating a Zen garden space, staying out […]

Continuous Small Treats

The following is a reprint of a previously published post, from Easter 2009… Our dear sweet neighbor gave us this Easter basket. He baked the ginger cake himself. I can’t wait to enjoy it with tea tomorrow afternoon. It will perfectly embody the concept of Continuous Small Treats. By the way, the flag reads “Joyenses […]

Happy Birthday to me


This is the gorgeous just-baked-that-morning peanut butter cream pie my husband bought for me for my birthday over the weekend. I’m not a big cake fan, so he went out to our awesome local bakery Auntie Em’s, and nabbed this one-of-a-kind lovely for my birthday celebration. They make a different pie every day, so this […]

Frugal and free

It occurred to me recently that I haven’t been spending much money lately. In fact, I tend to keep a $20 bill in my wallet for weeks sometimes, when a few years back I could easily breeze through $80 in cash per week. So I thought I’d write about what I’d been up to that […]