Novica giveaway winner

Congratulations, Theresa! You are the winner of the Novica gift certificate! Please email me at and I’ll give you the information you need. I wish I could give every reader a gift certificate, but I only have the one to offer. Thanks to all who entered, and you have given me some great gift ideas. I […]

A Novica giveaway!


Since I’ve been writing this blog for almost four years now, and this is only the second time I’ve accepted a product offer, you know this company is one I’m down with. If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s called NOVICA, and not only is it a great business model, the items they sell are […]

Get a free ebook if you act now


Update: This deal seems to only be working for US readers. Sorry to my readers outside the country. For one day only, Tuesday January 24th, Betsy and Warren Talbot of Married With Luggage are offering their ebook Getting Rid of It: Eliminate the Clutter in Your Life free of charge. You all know what big fans […]

And the winner is…

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… Molly! Thanks to everyone who entered, and Molly, you’ll be hearing from The Frugal Girl soon. Check out the comments section of the giveaway post for some reader ideas on what to do with used clothing, and if you want to try some creative new ones that you might not have thought of, I highly […]

It’s a Giveaway!

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I’m very excited to share The Frugal Girl’s fabulous ebook with you, and give away a free copy to one lucky winner. I know this book intimately because I edited it for her, and I came away with some great ideas for new ways to use old clothes. This is perfect for anyone who sews, […]

Donate and Recycle


It’s spring cleaning time, and if you’re anything like me, there are a lot of items that you’d like to give away, but it’s not as simple as loading the car up for a trip to Goodwill. This is what happens to me when I go through closets, boxes in the basement, my office: “I […]