Pantry Challenge Update

With less than a week left in January, this post is a little late, but I’m going to continue the challenge into February. I’ve got a lot more stuff lurking in the pantry and freezer that I’d like to use up. So how have you all been doing? I haven’t come up with any creative new […]

The January Pantry Challenge returns


My sister-in-law gave us this delicious rum cake for Christmas, and I was hoping it would last long enough to fill our dessert needs for January, but it’s so delicious I don’t think it’s going to survive more than a few more days. And my husband just broke into it yesterday. It’s fabulous! Thanks, SIL! After a […]

January Pantry Challenge wrap up


Almost week after the end of the January Pantry Challenge, here’s a wrap up… The challenge was undertaken in an effort to avoid wasting holiday food, get the pantry organized, and save money. I’m happy to report that all three of those goals were accomplished! It was actually incredibly easy, and I don’t think we threw out […]

And the winner is…

muir glen giveaway '11

…Maggie Dudzik! Maggie will be shipped a free kit of organic tomato products from Muir Glen. Maggie, please send me an email at with your street address so I can have it mailed to you ASAP. Congratulations! Here’s what Maggie had to say about Muir Glen tomatoes:  I’d love to win these! I’m usually […]

It’s a Giveaway!

muir glen giveaway '11

Readers, I’ve got a giveaway for you! And you know you can trust my recommendation on this product, because I’ve been blogging for over two years, and this is only my second giveaway. And last year’s giveaway was… the same thing, a Muir Glen canned tomato kit. This is the only product I’ve ever accepted […]

Pantry challenge update #2

The pantry challenge has been so easy that I’ve barely noticed it, except that my trips to the grocery store are quicker and I’m spending less money. You can read about the challenge and the plan here and the first update here. The idea is to use up our holiday leftovers while avoiding waste, to […]