WasteNot Saks

waste not saks

These handy-dandy little bags are a great way to cut down on plastic waste. I found out about them from Kate at An Exercise in Frugality, and I immediately ordered these four bags and have been using them ever since. They’re great for brown-bag lunches, hiking, and just throwing a snack in your purse. If […]


My Buy Nothing New year officially ended five days ago, but as I said, since doing The Compact has been so rewarding and relatively easy, I’ve decided to continue as a Compacter into 2010, and indefinitely. This blog will document my experiment with making it a feasible permanent lifestyle. In addition to what I’ve already […]

More Exceptions to "Buy Nothing New"

Friends keep asking me how my experiment with buying nothing new is going, and I have to admit that it’s not that hard. Really. I’m not having Forever 21 withdrawals or drunk dialing Williams Sonoma or anything. For one thing, I don’t really go to malls for recreation or even like to go to them […]

My Compact Exceptions

Okay- it’s been almost a month since I started this experiment. For now, these are my exceptions to the rule “buy nothing new”: 1. underwear, bras, and socks2. hygiene products- deodorant, toothpaste, etc.- plus lotions and prescription drugs3. expendables- light bulbs, car tires, replacements for air purifier, etc.4. slippers5. athletic shoes6. food, of course I […]