WasteNot Saks

These handy-dandy little bags are a great way to cut down on plastic waste. I found out about them from Kate at An Exercise in Frugality, and I immediately ordered these four bags and have been using them ever since. They’re great for brown-bag lunches, hiking, and just throwing a snack in your purse. If you have kids and you pack their lunch every day, you’d save tons of individual-use baggies from the landfill.

I’ve been using these for a couple of months now and they work great. They come in three different sizes: small, large, and one that folds around a sandwich (the flowered one at the top left). They’re perfect for dried fruit, nuts, crackers, or anything you’d put in a plastic bag. The inside is nylon and washable, but depending on what you put in the bag, you won’t need to wash it out every time.

Kate shares some other great lunchbox alternatives in that post, but so far I’ve only tried these and they’re working great for us. They come in so many cute and funky patterns, it was hard to pick between them. At $6.50 and $7.50 each, they’re a bargain, especially when you consider all the plastic you WON’T need to buy for the next several years, along with the good feeling you’ll get from making the environmentally-friendly choice. It’s exactly the kind of purchase I don’t mind making a Compact exception for.

Click here to order your WasteNot Saks. IĀ suppose I should mention that I am in no way affiliated with this company and get no financial renumeration from recommending them to you. I just love the product.

What are your favorite alternatives to plastic baggies? Please share them in the Comments section.


  1. Haylee says

    It’s been about a year since I’ve really used any sandwich baggies. I’ll admit I’ve used a few in a pinch but for the most part I take dishwasher-safe tupperwear containers with me just about everywhere. :)

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