CSA Delivery

Another delicious-looking CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) delivery today. I’m excited about the fruit, since strawberries, peaches, and apricots are some of my favorites. Celery is the only thing I could do without, but I’m sure I can use it in soup or something else. And my husband enjoys it occasionally.

This week we got (roughly clockwise from the back): cauliflower, romaine, celery, fava beans, strawberries, broccoli, cherry walnut granola bar, apricots, white peaches, artichokes, bok choy, sugar snap peas, zucchini, mint and chamomile, spring garlic, Bloomsdale spinach, and mixed baby greens.

The basic idea of CSA is bringing the Farmer’s Market to you. It’s worked out great for us. We’re eating more fruits and vegetables and a more varied diet in general, so it’s healthier. And the produce tastes much more delicious than what you usually find at the supermarket. Also, even though the $42 charge seemed a little high to me at first, our grocery budget has stayed the same or even fallen a little. I think that’s because I’m buying less meat and pre-packaged items. Still, we only get this delivery once every two weeks because it’s too much for us to use up every week.

If you’re interested, click here to find out more about CSA and find one near you. And if you have recipe ideas or tips for anything you see in this photo, please leave your suggestions in the Comments section.


  1. Tammy Brackett says

    Angela! that is some beautiful locally grown produce! I'm getting lettuce and turnip greens from my garden already. It is so wonderful you support local farmers and farmerettes!

  2. Angela says

    Hi Tammy! Farmerettes! You are so cute. I love fresh greens, and I am going to try to grow some lettuce this year- I'd better get planting!

    Send me the photo in your Nicole Miller dress!

  3. Castal says

    I too have found that we go through less meat and extras since we started getting our CSA box. We do have one per week, but it is (normally) smaller than your boxes. It is perfectly sized for our three-person family, and we rarely have waste…rarely, but it does occasionally happen (especially when waiting for fruit to ripen a bit and we wait a little too long).

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Angela says

    Castal- I'm so glad your CSA works for you- it doesn't work for everyone. And I definitely don't mind eating less meat.

    Paul &am; Carla- That's what I should have done! I've been giving at least one item per delivery to my neighbor that I know we can't get to. This time I decided to tackle that celery and put it in soup right away- creamy cauliflower/garlic soup. And the celery ruined it! It was stringy and awful (I hate the taste even though people say it's mild) and I had to put the soup through a strainer. I've had it with celery. It's going on my list with green peppers as the only vegetables I don't like.

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