No Impact Week

Inspired by Colin Beavan, A.K.A. No Impact Man, the Huffington Post has declared this “No Impact Week.” I was just checking out the website, and it’s all about the stuff we’re talking about on this blog and other non-consumer blogs: how to reduce your carbon footprint by not buying stuff, eating less meat, wasting less, etc.

What I like about their approach is that it’s focused on making your life better and happier while helping the environment. It’s not about guilt trips or facts and figures, it’s about getting involved in a positive way. On the website, they state that No Impact Week is “not about making strict rules but about thinking about your environmental impact in a new way and picking the goals that are right for you.” Just at a glance, I saw phrases like “Find out if wasting less improves your life” and “live a fuller and happier life by buying less stuff.” All right!

I think I’m doing a “No Impact Year” that is going to turn into a permanent lifestyle change. Not buying new stuff and eating less meat are probably having the biggest impact, but I’m also wasting less, composting, and inspiring others to take these steps by writing this blog. I’m going to check out the Huffington Post guide for more ideas.

If YOU want to participate, click here. A No Impact Week sounds like a manageable task, and a great way to get involved. I’ll bet you’ll learn a lot and be inspired.

Are you participating in No Impact Week? Do you think it will help to get people involved in the solution? Tell us your thoughts in the Comments section.


  1. wendyytb says

    I am! I am! It is challenging, thought provoking and fun!

    Small measures is how I am making change. I live in a small town and had to drive to a larger one to see the doctor today, BUT I did it in the most direct route. So ends my driving for the week.

    Good for you making the commitment you have!

  2. wendyytb says

    I am! I am! It is challenging, thought provoking and fun!

    Small measures is how I am making change. I live in a small town and had to drive to a larger one to see the doctor today, BUT I did it in the most direct route. So ends my driving for the week.

    Good for you making the commitment you have!

  3. Janet says

    I too am taking part. I live in the northwest corner of Canada (Yukon Territory, next to Alaska) and there are certain challenges that come with living this far north (like trying to eat locally all year round) but I wanted to give this a whirl to become more aware of the impact I am having on the earth and to determine what I'm prepared to do about it over the longer term. You can follow my progress by going to: taibhsearachd(dot)wordpress(dot)com.

  4. Alea says

    I try to live a "low impact life". My goal is to have an even lower impact this week and continue to search for ways to decrease our impact in the future!

  5. Betsy Talbot says

    Hi, Angela. I got to see the movie and hear Colin speak a few weeks ago in Seattle with Kate from An Exercise in Frugality blog.

    What I liked most was his focus on making his family's life better, not just in saving the planet. The two can go hand in hand.

    Since then, we've set up a composting container on the counter that I couldn't believe wouldn't smell – but it doesn't! It is just a little plastic bucket with holes in the lid I got at the store for $7 and we use compostable "bio bags" to hold the food. I can keep food in there for a week without it smelling, and the bonus is that my trash doesn't smell and I have to take it out less often.

    Because we can recycle so many things in Seattle, I now have about an equal amount of trash and recycling/composting each week.

    It's been a good experience, and if you have a chance to watch the movie you should definitely check it out.

  6. Angela says

    wendyytb- Small measures is what works best for me. I love getting all my driving done in one day! Good luck with your commitment this week!

    Janet- I'm sure there are specific challenges up there- mainly relating to the cold, and the isolation. We're very lucky here, in that weather-wise, we're never really uncomfortable. Except when we're on fire!

    Alea- Me too! That's just what I'm doing- looking at the suggestions for a few more ideas…
    I'm sort of amazed at just how "low-impact" my life has gotten, pretty quickly… but if I want to ditch the car, we'll have to move…

    Betsy- I was so excited to see the movie, and I couldn't make it the first weekend, and then it was gone! I also really appreciate the focus on making your life better rather than "being environmentally responsible" and all that. Congrats on your composting, and best of luck. I am also amazed that the "slop bucket" doesn't smell after a few days…

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