Day 15 without shopping

So far so good. Since I’m not a big shopper, it hasn’t been that difficult so far. But I am a big worrier, so I keep thinking of things that might come up. Like slippers- you can’t buy those used. Yuck. And I will definitely be needing new ones. I guess I’ll have to add them to the list of exceptions I’ll eventually post. I’ve been reading a lot of articles about The Compact, and they don’t have a formal list of exceptions to the rule of not buying anything new. They let their members make them up themselves and deal with their own conscience. Most people have underwear, hygiene products, and expendables on their list. Some people add socks, tires, and handmade items. I only read about two people who don’t buy new underwear- a guy who buys used boxer shorts (I don’t know where) and a woman who makes her own underwear out of old t-shirts. Those must be really sexy. I’m not planning on becoming a nun or a martyr with this, I’m just trying not to buy a bunch of new stuff. So my exceptions will definitely include underwear, bras, socks, hygiene products and lotions. And probably slippers.

A couple of days ago when I told my friend what The Compact was all about, the first thing she said was, “You won’t be able to buy lightbulbs!” That really threw me off at the time, but I assume that would come under the category of expendables. I don’t think there’s an alternative to lightbulbs, except candles, and I don’t think anyone in this group is advocating going back to the days before electricity. The point is that most of us buy way too much new stuff, spend too much money on it, and then have to find ways to dispose of it. So I’m not worried about buying a few new lightbulbs this year. And I’ll try to use cloth napkins more often, but I’m not going off toilet paper. That just goes way too far for me.

Most of the Compacters are big into Freecycle and Craigslist, so I suppose when I need something I’ll start by looking there. I’ll also go into the Goodwill instead of just dropping off. But I don’t think I’ll be needing any clothes or household items for a long time. We’ll see what does come up.

Any ideas on the slippers?


  1. Anonymous says

    It depends on what you use your slippers for. If they’re purely indoor use, then here are some possibilities:
    – socks (I assume you’ve thought of this one)
    – make some (do you knit or crochet?)
    – trade with someone who knits or crochets
    – freecycle
    – medical facilities (hospitals, MRI facilities, sonogram facilities, etc) distribute footcovers that are like socks with nonskid strips on the bottom; do you know anyone going to such a place?
    – ask for them as an event gift: birthday, mother’s day, etc.

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